A Milestone

Milestone: A marker. An event worth noting in the development of a lifetime, a career, or an endeavor.

Life is one milestone after the other. Some milestones are predictable- finishing school,  a broken heart, having kids, growing old, losing parents, retirement, death.  Some milestones are unpredictable such as winning a lottery,  a  disappointment, a “light bulb” moment.  And some milestones are not worth noting at the time, but they come home to roost, good or bad, along the way…between milestones.

I am fortunate to have experienced most of the above and hundreds more. At least, I am fortunate to have lived long enough! I am still waiting to win the lottery. (Hopeful). Sometimes a milestone sneaks up-“a who-da-thunk-it event.” I’ve had quite a few of those. Sometimes we pass a milestone, unaware of it’s importance but the effects are buried in our brains ready to spring out at a most unexpected moment and remind us that we are very unique, and our experiences and milestones may be similar, but the results can be very different.

So, to all my very unique friends, and readers. HAPPY NEW YEAR!


PS: Today’s milestone- 15,000 readers have visited my blog.  WOW!

Please leave a comment below and tell of your milestones.

5 Responses to “A Milestone”

  1. Wanda P. Says:

    Well my friend you are so very right! I have a milestone birthday coming up this weekend…I will be sixty! Now I don’t feel sixty… but then I not really sure what sixty feels like since I’m not quite there yet…and once it does arrive, it will no doubt feel just the same as 59 and 49 did…except I will now qualify for free cheques at the bank…Wowee!

    Other than that…the same SH– will go on as per usual. This is to wish you and yours (all of them) a wonderful Christmas, and great New Year. Lots of milestones coming up for you as Serena…starts high school in 2010.

    A very big hug to everyone.
    Love ya!

    • littlepatti Says:

      60! You are a mere “babe in the woods.” I am sure those turning 80 today are envious of your youthful enthusiasm, and probably wonder “why the angst?”
      Have a great one…every day is a gift.

  2. Maureen Says:

    Hi Pat,

    Maureen here, Betty’s sister. Just want to say thanks for the memories and your well spun tales. You provide us readers with countless, (been there done that experiences).

    Please keep us reliving our past and present joys and oops’s through your narratives.

    Say hi to your brother Ricky for me. I am going to send your site on to Ann Bubar now Babin who still lives in Chibougamau.

    Blog on,

    • littlepatti Says:

      Hi Maureen,
      Thanks! Keep reading and yes, please pass it along, and I just love getting comments. I understand that Ann’s father or brother is the Mayor in Chib. now. We remember “Daddy” Bubar with fondness. He worked at the mine site at the same time we did, and lived on the Point, next to Doug’s family.
      For a short period of time we lived at your Merril Island house…I paid you 0.25 cents a day to make my bed!!! Do you remember that? Talk about child exploitation. Man! We were poorly equipped to be married back then. Ha Ha
      I’ll write to Rick. He’s living in NB, a fine family man. Still a really nice guy! (2 kids: both professionals- Crystal is a Doctor of Naturopathic medicine, Rob is an Electrician, plus air & water quality expert, in the oil fields in AB).

    • littlepatti Says:

      TO Maureen:
      PS-Check out my Blog Roll- Right hand side of my site. Like…Aboard the Nikan and Heather Ogg Photography, etc. Good reading!

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